About this blog

As a new mother, I can't quite believe how quickly my baby is developing. It's hard to keep up with all the new skills she's mastering, what will come next and how best to support her progress. She's rolling, creeping, crawling, biting, chewing, pulling, standing, pushing, pulling, copying, grabbing, waving and so much more. Constantly.

Sometimes we have really busy days where there seem to be a never ending list of tasks that have to be performed in a day. The dishes pile up, the phone rings, the washing pile grows, the carpet is moving, friends pop over and the list goes on. On those days i'm conscious that I haven't really spent much time interacting on a one-on-one basis with my baby.

Some days I neglect life's daily tasks and we spend lots of time interacting but I find myself using the same old methods of play, which she seems to quickly master and get bored (and me too!) of and then I wonder if what we're doing is the most meaningful for her development.

So, I started to actually read the multiple emails that I receive in my inbox every day from the hundreds of websites that I signed up to when I was pregnant. I opened the books that I was recommended and getting dusty on my shelf. I started to browse the baby websites, forums and blogs that are ubiquitous on the web.   The ideas started flowing and my baby was definitely enjoying the variety of play.

To make sure that I keep this up, I decided to blog about it every single day. Partly to ensure my commitment and also to give all you yummy mummy (or dishy daddy) readers out there the opportunity to benefit from my research and have the same quality time with your babies.

I'd love to hear from you on how the brain game-a-day is going with you and your little one. I'm always open to ideas and suggestions so if you have some, please feel free to contact me or leave a post.

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